How Should Your Music Sales Page Look?

Are you planning on creating a sales page? Here is some basic information you may want to consider. Keep in mind there are steps that must be taken before you even get to this point for creating a sales funnel, so don’t use this as is. Take a bold leap of faith and go through the complete training at your own paste to become your own Sales Marketing Distributor!

sales page

First, let me tell you what a sales page that list your music should not look like:

  • It should not have links that do not pertain to your tracks or call to action button.
  • It should not have links or social media icons leading to other pages.
  • It should not have ads or a fancy background to distract the buyer.
  • It should not be too wordy in length.
  • It should not have a comments box or an area to leave remarks.
  • It should not have any other content that will give the buyer a reason to deter to another area of the site.

Rather, it should include a:

  • Enticing title about what you will promise the buyer; possibly something about yourself that’s appealing or even unique; it should grasp the buyer’s attention.
  • Title should be in bold, red, h1 size, and centered
  • Great cover image of yourself or of the theme to entice a conversion.
  • Subtitle should be in black h2 letters; a brief subtitle that explains how they can purchase the music.
  • Short descriptive body that give the buyer a reason to seek more information or reason to listen to the lyrics. It should have words to capture the target audience.
  • A Few short previews of your song(s).
  • Call to action button.
  • Recommendations or endorsements.
  • Basically, the only options should be on the sales page is to buy a song or move on.

Once the buyer chooses to buy a song, they should be given an up-sell option! The option should be so tempting that it would be foolish not to purchase the up sell because of the savings they will get for getting more songs.

I hate to say this, but that fancy website with all the gadgets and links will not cut it! You need to learn how people are really profiting in marketing. Weather it be your music, affiliate marketing, or any other product, you will be shocked how simple it is to start getting sales! I myself am a student who is learning things that has made a difference on how I now market! Thanks to the Music Marketing Manifesto 3.0, you can now start profiting from the work you created! Don’t waste time doing things the hard way!